When it comes to filling SR22 form,there are three main types of SR22 insurance you should consider. If in doubt, ask for when contacting the insurance company:
Not having the right form of SR-22 (like, for instance, driving a car that you own while holding only a Operator’s Certificate) will lead to another cancellation of your driver’s license and the resetting of your SR-22 filing period. In other words, if you have a three year filing requirement and have been caught with the wrong type of insurance after two and a half years, you will have your driving privileges revoked and be asked to carry a SR-22 policy for another three years.
October 7th, 2014
Read our new auto insurance guides for California and Texas and save on your new renewal.
October 2nd, 2014
GAP insurance is essential for a new car. It covers the difference of what's paid vs car current market price. Read more here.
September 22nd, 2014
Ever wondered why men pay more for car insurance than women? Wonder no more, we have published an article on the subject.